The Tucson Bird Count's primary reasons for existence are to advance our scientific understanding of birds and their habitats, and to develop innovative ways to sustain birds in urban areas. Here are a few of the projects, publications, presentations, and press that the TBC has produced or contributed to so far:
Projects using Tucson Bird Count data |
2004 - present. Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan (Pima County. TBC data used to determine species list, examine habitat affinities of species of concern, etc). | |
2004 - present. Investigating the prevalence of West Nile Virus in Tucson, and it's impacts on area birds (R. McCaffrey, E. Willott, K. Walker, F. Ramberg) . | |
2004 - present. Developing and supporting local bird monitoring projects in the U.S. using the Tucson Bird Count as a model (W. R. Turner, National Audubon Society, Birdsource). | |
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2003 - present. Relationships among native birds and human-influenced habitat factors in residential areas of Tucson: How can we encourage and maintain native bird populations? (R. McCaffrey). |
14. | 2003 - present. Monitoring bird community response to water releases on the Fred Enke Wash (R. McCaffrey, Tucson Water). | |
13. | 2003 - present. Evaluating alternative future scenarios for sustaining Tucson's desertscrub birds (W. R. Turner). | |
12. | 2003 - 2006. Sustaining Tucson's desertscrub species: Scale-dependent responses of 14 desertscrub species to their fragmented Tucson habitats (W. R. Turner). | |
11. | 2003 - present. Landbird migration in the southwest US (S. Skagen, C. Melcher, others, USGS Ft. Collins Science Center). | |
10. | 2003-2004. Patterns of saguaro health - the effects of non-native cavity nesters and land use (K. Hutton) | |
9. | 2003 - 2004. Global urbanization and the separation of humans from nature (W. R. Turner, T. Nakamura, M. Dinetti). | |
8. | 2003. Assessing sensitivity to development of Tucson bird species (W. R. Turner). | |
7. | 2003. Comparison of birds in Tucson and Phoenix riparian areas (D. Stuart, M. Katti, W. R. Turner). | |
6. | 2003. Locating Tucson-area Burrowing Owls for ongoing BUOW research (AZ Game & Fish). | |
5. | 2003. Birds of Madrona Pools area of Saguaro National Park (C. Conway, A. Boyle; TBC data used to determine species restricted to washes in Tucson area). | |
4. | 2002 - present. Monitoring potential Tucson-area Important Bird Areas (W. R. Turner, S. Wilbor, Tucson Audubon Society) . | |
3. | 2002. Development of potential habitat restoration alternatives for Agua Caliente park (P. Rosen, J. Fonseca, W. R. Turner, others). | |
2. | 2001. Understanding differences in Abert's Towhee distributions in Phoenix and Tucson (M. Katti, E. Shochat, W. R. Turner). | |
1. | 2001. Evaluation of Santa Cruz River's West Branch for potential presevation by Pima County (K. Mauz, P. Rosen, W. R. Turner; TBC data used from the site itself, and as baseline comparison to evaluate site's regional importance). | |
Publications based on the Tucson Bird Count |
10. | Turner, W. R. 2006. Interactions among scales constrain species distributions in fragmented urban landscapes. Ecology and Society 11:6. Online at [] |
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9. | McCaffrey, R.E. 2005. Using citizen science in urban bird studies. Urban Habitats 3:70-86. Online at [] |
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8. | Anonymous. 2005 to present. Tucson Bird Count article on Wikipedia. Online at []. |
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7. |
Skagen, S. K., J. F. Kelly,
C. van Riper III, R. L. Hutto, D. M. Finch, D. J. Krueper, and C.
P. Melcher. 2004. Geography of spring landbird migration through
riparian habitats in southwestern North America. Condor
107:212-227. |
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6. | Turner, W. R., T. Nakamura and M. Dinetti. 2004. Global urbanization and the separation of humans from nature. BioScience 54:585-590. |
5. | Turner, W. R. 2003. Where are Tucson's birds? Multiscale models, shifting baselines, and alternative futures. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. |
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4. | Turner, W. R. 2003. Citywide biological monitoring as a tool for ecology and conservation in urban landscapes: the case of the Tucson Bird Count. Landscape and Urban Planning 65:149-166. |
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3. | Turner, W. R. 2003. The Tucson Bird Count: 2001-2002 results and analysis. Available online [TBC Full Report]. |
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2. | Turner, W. R. 2002. The Tucson Bird Count: Current progress and future prospects. Vermilion Flycatcher 47:16. |
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1. | Turner, W. R. 2001. Native birds are in trouble in Tucson. Is there hope? Vermilion Flycatcher 45:21-24. |
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Selected Presentations based on TBC | ||
McCaffrey, R. E. 2007. "An issue of scale: birds and residential development in Tucson, Arizona." The Wildlife Society 14th Annual Conference. | |
McCaffrey, R. E. 2007. "The Tucson Bird Count." AZ/NM Wildlife Society Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | |
McCaffrey, R. E. 2006. "Citywide monitoring for bird science and conservation in urban landscapes: Lessons and results from the Tucson Bird Count." North American Ornithological Congress, Veracruz, México. | |
Turner, W. R. 2006. "Citywide monitoring for bird science and conservation in urban landscapes: Lessons and results from the Tucson Bird Count." American Museum of Natural History Spring Symposium, New York. | |
McCaffrey, R. E. 2005. "The Tucson Bird Count: Conservation Ecology in Action." Tucson Audubon Society's Institute of Desert Ecology. | |
McCaffrey, R. E. 2004-2005. "The Tucson Bird Count: Citizen science in action ". Tucson Audubon Membership Meeting, TARA National Bird Day, Pima Community College, etc. | |
Turner, W. R. 2004. "The Tucson Bird Count: Developing a community-based monitoring program for science and conservation". National Audubon Society Science Office. | |
• | Rosenzweig, M. L. 2003-. "Reconciliation ecology: conserving species diversity in places where people live, work and play." Various. | |
• | Turner, W. R. 2003-2005. "Where are Tucson's birds? Multiscale models, shifting baselines, and alternative futures." University of Arizona, Princeton University, Texas State University, Archbold Biological Station, etc. | |
• | Stuart, D., M. Katti, and W. R. Turner. 2003. "The Riparian Factor: A comparison of the Phoenix and Tucson avifauna." Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-term Ecological Research Symposium. | |
• | Turner, W. R. 2002. "Responses of birds to landscape structure in a metropolitan area." Ecological Society of America Meeting. | |
• | Katti, M., E. Shochat, and W. R. Turner. 2001. "Phoenix or Tucson: Does landscape structure determine where Abert's Towhee's choose to live?" Ecological Society of America Meeting, International Association of Landscape Ecology - US Meeting. | |
Selected Press coverage of TBC |
• | Arizona Daily Star. July 14, 2005. Front page, Tucson Region. "Creature comforts - in town." | |
• | Ali (Journal of the Italian League for the Protection of Birds, LIPU). December 2004. Cover story: Humans and nature in the city [in Italian]. | |
• | Tucson Citizen. May 8, 2002. Front page. "Rulers of the roost." | |
• | KUAT-TV, Arizona Illustrated. April 29, 2002. Cover Story: "Urban bird survey." | |
• | KOLD News 13. April 4, 2002. 10pm. "UA ecologist keeps track of Tucson’s feathered friends." | |
• | Arizona Daily Star. April 1, 2002. Front page. "Native birds being pushed to outskirts." | |
• | Arizona Daily Star. April 28, 2001. Front page. "Birdman of Tucson." | |